Numerical Study of Simple and Rigid Beam-column Joints Subject to Impact Load

Kang Chen, Kang Hai Tan*, Bo Yang

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Beam-column joints are of great importance to the integrity of steel structures. In the literature, experimental research on several types of steel beam-column joints, such as end plate and web cleat joints under dynamic loads have been conducted. However, for commonly-used simple and rigid joints including fin plate (or shear tab) and welded unreinforced flanges bolted web (WUF-B) joints, numerical and experimental research studies are still rare. In this paper, an experimental test program of two steel joint specimens is presented. Numerical simulations on these two types of joints are conducted using commercial software LS-DYNA. The finite element modeling techniques are introduced and validated against both test data from the literature and a trial test on simply-supported beam conducted by the authors. Numerical predictions of two beam-column joint specimens are presented and the behavior of both fin plate and WUFB joints is revealed and discussed. Using validated numerical models, governing parameters such as hammer mass and velocity are studied.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2016
EventEighth International Conference on STEEL AND ALUMINIUM STRUCTURES - Hong Kong, China
Duration: 7 Dec 2016 → …


ConferenceEighth International Conference on STEEL AND ALUMINIUM STRUCTURES
CityHong Kong
Period7/12/16 → …


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