New Chinese Socialism and Building Indus-trialization: Exploring Chinese Socialist Archi-tectural Design Strategies in the Late 1950s through Architectural Journal

Xiaohan Chen*, Yiping Dong, Peta Carlin

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in Book or Report/Conference proceedingConference Proceedingpeer-review


This study concentrates on the architectural design and reportages in the Chinese architectural academic publication Architectural Journal in late 1957 to 1958. It seeks to elucidate that within the political context advocating technological revolution both internationally and domestically, building in-dustrialization, characterized by the utilization of new materials and tech-nologies with an emphasis on rapid, efficient, and cost-effective construc-tion, has become the focal point of the Chinese architectural society. The "Scientific" architectural design approach supplanted the traditional para-digm of "Big roof" and classical decorations, emerging as a novel representa-tion of the superiority of Chinese socialism.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2nd Architectural Across Boundary Conference AAB2024
Publication statusAccepted/In press - Dec 2024
Event2024 Architecture Across Boundaries -
Duration: 30 Aug 20231 Aug 2024


Conference2024 Architecture Across Boundaries
Abbreviated titleAAB2024


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