Multiple-Fault-Tolerant Dual Active Bridge Converter for DC Distribution System

Haochen Shi, Huiqing Wen, Guipeng Chen*, Qinglei Bu, Guanying Chu, Yinxiao Zhu

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44 Citations (Scopus)


The dc power transmission system has been obviously attracting more research interests in recent years. In order to satisfy the high-reliability requirement of the dc power transmission system, the power converter should be able to keep uninterrupted operation after multiple unexpected faults. However, high fault-tolerant capability usually leads to the bulky redundant circuit, which increases the cost, volume, and complexity of the power converter. Thus, a fault-tolerant dual active bridge (DAB) converter is proposed to maintain the power transferring ability under multiple unexpected open-circuit faults (OCFs) conditions, which can significantly enhance the reliability of the dc power transmission system. By reconfiguring the central-tapped transformer and two symmetrical auxiliary inductors, the half-bridge conduction branch is built to maintain uninterrupted operation when a single or dual OCF has occurred. The proposed fault-tolerant strategy only requires four extra voltage sensors to detect and locate OCFs for the reconfiguration process. Thus, it significantly improves the system reliability with a low additional cost. Besides, the inductor current, transmission power, and the small-signal models of the proposed fault-tolerant converter have been presented. It proves the proposed fault-tolerant topology can smoothly switch between normal and postfault operation due to the constituency of the inductor current. Finally, the 250-W prototype is designed to verify the advantage of the proposed fault-tolerant DAB converter.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1748-1760
Number of pages13
JournalIEEE Transactions on Power Electronics
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Feb 2022


  • DC distribution system
  • dc-dc converter
  • fault-tolerant topology
  • multiple open-circuit faults (OCFs)


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