Interwoven Existence/交织存在: 交织存在

Translated title of the contribution: Interwoven Existence

Zhonghao Chen (Producer)

Research output: Practice-based research outputExhibition/ Event/ FestivalCurated works: Physical Exhibition/ Event/ Festival


A curatorial project of the project "交织存在/Interwoven Existence" at the prestigious Zijing Award-one of the major academic competitions in China and The top award at the Jiangsu Provincial level. The curated work won two awards in this event: 1 the top organizational award. 2 the third prize in exhibition design. Furthermore, the project was promoted as one of the event's top five "not to be missed" art/design works.
Translated title of the contributionInterwoven Existence
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Media of outputOnline
Publication statusPublished - 7 May 2024

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