Implementing Podcasts in the Spanish Language Classroom: A Successful experience in Learning and Assessment

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This study explores the integration of podcasts in Spanish language classroom, focusing onthe impact of its implementation ina fourth-year module's oral assessment. Amidst challenges in non-immersive environments, the conventional oral assessment's limitations prompted a shift toward podcasts. Students, organized in pairs, produced original interviews reflecting on a Spanish series and their language-learningjourney. Results indicate improved grades, reduced absenteeism, and positive student perceptions. The qualitative approach prioritized process over product, fostering creativity and collaboration. The study reflects the potential of podcasts in enhancing language learning, offering insights into innovative assessment methodologies in diverse academic settings
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)80-91
Number of pages11
JournalLanguage Teaching in China
VolumeSpecial Issue
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 27 May 2024


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