Gardens Unveiled: Urban Landscape’s Evolution from Romantic Reverie to Virtual Realities

Research output: Chapter in Book or Report/Conference proceedingConference Proceedingpeer-review


The dynamic evolution of European gardens and their profound influence on contemporary urban landscapes have significantly impacted the conceptualisation of modern virtual and hybrid spaces. This study delves into the rich history of gardens, from ancient kepos to the Romantic era's emotionally charged landscapes and further to contemporary virtual realities (Venturi Ferriolo et al., 1999), where transcendency is crucial in reshaping urban experiences.
The Romantic era is a key focus, redefining the interaction between urban spaces and the human body (Venturi Ferriolo, 1998). This period provided insights into contemporary urban landscapes, where material and immaterial realms are blended. Gardens in this era transcended traditional formality, evolving into landscapes that evoke deep emotions and a strong connection to nature. This shift, driven by the Romantic movement, transformed the city from a physical space to a dynamic environment where technology, nature, and human experience intertwine. The era reinterpreted urban spaces as emotional scenes, conceptualising urbanscapes as a mise en scène.
In an age of hyper-technological prostheses, the city transforms into a multiscalar entity with individuals as interconnected nodes within global networks. This shift heralds the emergence of new hybrid space-time categories, transcending traditional physical confines of urban space. The paper also integrates contemporary case studies, including projects like Re: Wild Royal Docks, Taiwan Tower, and Architecture of Shades, showcasing how modern gardens and urban landscapes embody this evolution from Romantic aesthetics to hyper-technological environments. These examples highlight the ongoing relevance of historical garden concepts in contemporary urban design and the transformative potential of integrating technology and nature, leading to evolving urban temporalities within a landscape of unlimited possibilities.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAAB2024
PublisherSpringer Singapore
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 2024


  • Urban Landscape, Hybrid Spaces, Reverie, Romantic Gardens.


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