Enhancing Mobile Interaction: Practical Insights from Smartphone and Smartwatch Integration

Qiuyao Cheng, Xuanyao Tian, Fengyuan Liao, Tan Chen, Xinyao Chen, Zixuan Wang, Yu Liu*, Yuntong Dong

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


In the realm of mobile technology, smartwatches have emerged as valuable complements to smartphones, offering unique features such as enhanced activity tracking and in-situ data analysis. This study delves into the synergistic relationship between smartwatches and smartphones through practical applications developed by university students. We guided three groups of students from a computer-related program to design and develop cross-mobile device applications tailored to their daily contexts. Our evaluation of these student-developed applications revealed several key insights. Firstly, there was a strong preference for using smartwatches for straightforward notification purposes, indicating their convenience and immediacy in delivering critical information. However, their effectiveness as extended displays was found to depend heavily on a well-crafted approach to information delivery, necessitating careful design considerations. The study also highlighted the complexities inherent in designing intuitive and efficient cross-device interaction gestures, underlining the importance of thoughtful gesture selection and customization to enhance user experience. Furthermore, our findings indicated that users found it unnecessary to use smartwatches for voice input when paired with smartphones, as a single smartphone was deemed sufficient for this purpose.
This research provides valuable insights into enhancing cross-device interaction, aiming to foster more seamless and user-focused integration of technology into daily life. These insights can guide developers in creating more effective and user-friendly applications, ultimately contributing to the broader field of human-computer interaction.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2024
EventThe ACM International Conference on Mobile Human-Computer Interaction (MobileHCI) - Melbourne, Australia, Melbourne, Australia
Duration: 30 Sept 20241 Oct 2024


ConferenceThe ACM International Conference on Mobile Human-Computer Interaction (MobileHCI)
Abbreviated titleMobileHCI
Internet address


  • smarwatch
  • corss-device


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