Empowering multi-class medical data classification by Group-of-Single-Class-predictors and transfer optimization: Cases of structured dataset by machine learning and radiological images by deep learning

Tengyue Li, Simon Fong, Sabah Mohammed, Jinan Fiaidhi, Steven Guan, Victor Chang*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


In the medical domain, data are often collected over time, evolving from simple to refined categories. The data and the underlying structures of the medical data as to how they have grown to today's complexity can be decomposed into crude forms when data collection starts. For instance, the cancer dataset is labeled either benign or malignant at its simplest or perhaps the earliest form. As medical knowledge advances and/or more data become available, the dataset progresses from binary class to multi-class, having more labels of sub-categories of the disease added. In machine learning, inducing a multi-class model requires more computational power. Model optimization is enforced over the multi-class models for the highest possible accuracy, which of course, is necessary for life-and-death decision making. This model optimization task consumes an extremely long model training time. In this paper, a novel strategy called Group-of-Single-Class prediction (GOSC) coupled with majority voting and model transfer is proposed for achieving maximum accuracy by using only a fraction of the model training time. The main advantage is the ability to achieve an optimized multi-class classification model that has the highest possible accuracy near to the absolute maximum, while the training time could be saved by up to 70%. Experiments on machine learning over liver dataset classification and deep learning over COVID19 lung CT images were tested. Preliminary results suggest the feasibility of this new approach.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)10-22
Number of pages13
JournalFuture Generation Computer Systems
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2022
Externally publishedYes


  • Algorithm
  • Classification model training
  • Deep learning
  • Machine learning
  • Medical dataset
  • Multi-class classification
  • Parameter optimization
  • Radiological images recognition


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