Double-Vector Model Predictive Control for Single-Phase Five-Level Actively Clamped Converters

Yong Yang, Jianyu Pan*, Huiqing Wen, Zhiwei Zhang, Ziwei Ke, Longya Xu

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In this article, a double-vector-based model predictive control (MPC) method with efficient computation for single-phase five-level active neutral-point clamped (5L-ANPC) converters is proposed. It uses double voltage vectors per control cycle rather than the single in the conventional MPC method, resulting in reduced output current ripples and fixed switching frequency. First, the MPC method based on the Lyapunov function is optimized to select two voltage sectors rather than 25, reducing the calculation complexity significantly. Then, two current tracking algorithms based on double voltage vectors are presented, which are using the current cost function and current slope, respectively. Finally, a fast voltage balancing scheme for the dc-link and flying capacitors is developed and embedded in the MPC method. Both simulated and experimental results are used to validate the correctness and feasibility of the proposed MPC method.

Original languageEnglish
Article number8887510
Pages (from-to)1202-1213
Number of pages12
JournalIEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2019


  • Fixed switching frequency (FSF)
  • model predictive control (MPC)
  • redundant switching states
  • single-phase five-level active neutral-point clamped (5L-ANPC) converters

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