Design and implementation of a dual-radio wireless mesh network testbed for healthcare

X. H. Wang, M. Iqbal, X. Zhou

Research output: Chapter in Book or Report/Conference proceedingConference Proceedingpeer-review

27 Citations (Scopus)


this paper presents a new wireless networking technology, wireless mesh networks (WMN), for healthcare. The WMN architecture, characteristics, advantages and its potential applications in healthcare are discussed. Furthermore, a dual-radio WMN testbed, SwanMesh, has been developed to evaluate the applications of WMN in healthcare. This paper presents the architecture, security, and management of SwanMesh. The basic network performance in terms of bandwidth and delays are also evaluated. The test results show the developed network maintained a stable bandwidth after multiple hops. The developed WMN can be used in hospital and community for communication and healthcare. At last, the application of WMN in hospital is envisioned.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication5th Int. Conference on Information Technology and Applications in Biomedicine, ITAB 2008 in conjunction with 2nd Int. Symposium and Summer School on Biomedical and Health Engineering, IS3BHE 2008
Number of pages5
Publication statusPublished - 2008
Externally publishedYes
Event5th International Conference on Information Technology and Applications in Biomedicine, ITAB 2008 in conjunction with 2nd International Symposium and Summer School on Biomedical and Health Engineering, IS3BHE 2008 - Shenzhen, China
Duration: 30 May 200831 May 2008

Publication series

Name5th Int. Conference on Information Technology and Applications in Biomedicine, ITAB 2008 in conjunction with 2nd Int. Symposium and Summer School on Biomedical and Health Engineering, IS3BHE 2008


Conference5th International Conference on Information Technology and Applications in Biomedicine, ITAB 2008 in conjunction with 2nd International Symposium and Summer School on Biomedical and Health Engineering, IS3BHE 2008

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