Design and evaluation of a self-adaptive strategy for movement modulation in virtual rehabilitation

Liu Wang, Mengjie Huang, Jianqing Liu, Siyu Xiao, Rui Yang

Research output: Chapter in Book or Report/Conference proceedingConference Proceedingpeer-review


Compared with conventional virtual rehabilitation programs, the self-adaptive virtual rehabilitation system has the advantage of dynamically adjusting the training difficulty according to the users’ real-time motion data collected, showing the potential to improve the rehabilitation experiences and assist the therapists with the flexibility provided. Movement enhancement, which visually amplifies the user’s motion, exhibits significant promise in rehabilitation to improve the user’s confidence and motivation. This study aims to propose a self-adaptive strategy in a virtual rehabilitation system based on movement enhancement and evaluate its effectiveness and improvements in user experience. This study will be beneficial for the future development of virtual rehabilitation programs that combine self-adaptive systems and movement modulation, consequently helping individuals involved in virtual rehabilitation with improved user experience.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication16th International Conference on Human System Interaction (HSI 2024)
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 2024


  • Virtual reality
  • rehabilitation
  • self-adaptive system


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