Comparison and modelling of country-level microblog user and activity in cyber-physical-social systems using weibo and Twitter data

Po Yang*, Jing Liu, Jun Qi, Yun Yang, Xulong Wang, Zhihan Lv

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46 Citations (Scopus)


As the rapid growth of social media technologies continues, Cyber-Physical-Social System (CPSS) has been a hot topic in many industrial applications. The use of “microblogging” services, such as Twitter, has rapidly become an influential way to share information. While recent studies have revealed that understanding and modelling microblog user behaviour with massive users’ data in social media are keen to success of many practical applications in CPSS, a key challenge in literatures is that diversity of geography and cultures in social media technologies strongly affect user behaviour and activity. The motivation of this article is to understand differences and similarities between microblogging users from different countries using social media technologies, and to attempt to design a Country-Level Micro-Blog User (CLMB) behaviour and activity model for supporting CPSS applications. We proposed a CLMB model for analysing microblogging user behaviour and their activity across different countries in the CPSS applications. The model has considered three important characteristics of user behaviour in microblogging data, including content of microblogging messages, user emotion index, and user relationship network. We evaluated CLBM model under the collected microblog dataset from 16 countries with the largest number of representative and active users in the world. Experimental results show that (1) for some countries with small population and strong cohesiveness, users pay more attention to social functionalities of microblogging service; (2) for some countries containing mostly large loose social groups, users use microblogging services as a news dissemination platform; (3) users in countries whose social network structure exhibits reciprocity rather than hierarchy will use more linguistic elements to express happiness in microblogging services.

Original languageEnglish
Article number65
JournalACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2019
Externally publishedYes


  • Microblogging
  • Weibo

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