Big data technology adoption in Chinese small and medium-sized enterprises

W. K. Chong, K. L. Man, S. Rho

Research output: Chapter in Book or Report/Conference proceedingConference Proceedingpeer-review

5 Citations (Scopus)


Enterprises adopt big data technologies in order to use real-time information from sensors, mobile devices, and cloud computing to achieve scalability, and to understand the flexibility of business operations in responding to change. However, the uptake of big data technologies faces several challenges, including data privacy, ownership of data, and legal and regulatory issues, to name a few. Whilst a number of papers have been written on this context, few attempts have been made to investigate the adoption of big data technologies in China. Particularly, little is known about the issues surrounding the adoption of big data in Chinese small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which face unique challenges due to operational, strategic and cultural differences. This study will consist of two stages: a qualitative exploratory stage based in Suzhou Industrial Park (SIP), China in order to develop a theoretical framework for the study, and a quantitative confirmatory stage based in several cities in the Yangtze River Delta (YDR) region. YRD and SIP have been specifically recognized as global leaders in technological innovation, making them a suitable location for the study.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationIMECS 2015 - International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2015
EditorsDavid Dagan Feng, S. I. Ao, Craig Douglas, S. I. Ao, Craig Douglas, Jeong-A Lee, S. I. Ao, Oscar Castillo
PublisherNewswood Limited
Number of pages2
ISBN (Electronic)9789881925398
Publication statusPublished - 2015
EventInternational MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2015, IMECS 2015 - Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Duration: 18 Mar 201520 Mar 2015

Publication series

NameLecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science
ISSN (Print)2078-0958


ConferenceInternational MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2015, IMECS 2015
Country/TerritoryHong Kong
CityTsimshatsui, Kowloon


  • Big data technologies
  • Cloud computing
  • SMEs
  • Yangtze River Delta region

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