Becoming #NewMacy (RSD11)

Pille Bunnell, Carlos Castellanos, Damian Chapman, Kate Doyle, Xiao Zoe Fang, Mikal Giancola, Michael Lieber, TJ McLeish, Paul Pangaro, Eve Pinsker, Larry Richards, Eryk Salvaggio, Frederick Steier, Mark Sullivan, Claudia Westermann

Research output: Chapter in Book or Report/Conference proceedingConference Proceedingpeer-review


“Becoming #NewMacy” introduced the #NewMacy initiative and the six ACT II
Studios held at RSD11 to enact conversations for action.

#NewMacy catalyses conversations for action across disciplines, geographies,
and generations through systemic principles, processes, and communities.
#NewMacy creates conditions for enacting productive responses among
individuals and communities that bring about change in the near term while
planning for and committing to the time span required to effect lasting change.
Adopting a structure of themed and design-led Studios as framings for
conversations for action, we aim at enabling deep participation through activities
such as prototyping, play, exploration, enactment, and improvisation. At RSD11,
six #NewMacy Studios created opportunities to engage with interdisciplinary
approaches to systemic design through conversations for action: Radiant
Circles—Cybernetic Musings on Resonant Forms; Pandemic of Today’s AI; Art as
Steersmanship; Panarchy as a Sensemaking Tool; Cultural Premises, Conscious
Purpose, and Design; Prototyping Conversation.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of Relating Systems Thinking and Design (RSD11)
Subtitle of host publicationPossibilities and Practices of Systemic Design
EditorsCheryl May, Ben Sweeting, Peter Jones, Goran Matic
PublisherSystemic Design Association
Number of pages4
VolumeRSD11 | 2022
ISBN (Electronic)2371-8404
Publication statusPublished - 30 Apr 2023
EventPossibilities and Practices of Systemic Design, 11th annual symposium of the System Design Association - University of Brighton, Brighton, United Kingdom
Duration: 13 Oct 202216 Oct 2022

Publication series

NameProceedings of Relating Systems Thinking and Design
PublisherSystemic Design Association
ISSN (Electronic)2371-8404


ConferencePossibilities and Practices of Systemic Design, 11th annual symposium of the System Design Association
Abbreviated titleRSD11
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Internet address


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