Assessment on the effectiveness of urban stormwater management

Yixin Zhang*, Weihan Zhao, Xue Chen, Changhyun Jun, Jian Li Hao, Xiaonan Tang, Jun Zhai

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43 Citations (Scopus)


Stormwater management is a key issue in line with global problems of urbanization and climate change. Assessing the effectiveness in managing stormwater is crucial to maintain urban resilience to flooding risk. A method based on a stormwater management model (SWMM) was developed for assessing the control of stormwater runoff volume and the percentage removal of suspended solids by implementing a Sponge City strategy. An interdisciplinary approach was adopted incorporating Low Impact Development (LID) with urban green infrastructure and grey infrastructure paradigms in a typical old residential community in Suzhou, China. Sponge facilities for reducing stormwater runoff included bio-retention cells, permeable pavements, grassed pitches, and stormwater gardens. The simulation results of SWMM show that the stormwater pipe system can meet the management standard for storms with a five-year recurrence interval. The volume capture ratio of annual runoff was 91%, which is higher than control target of 80%. The suspended solids reduction rate was 56%, which meets the requirement of planning indicators. Thus, the proposed method of spongy facilities can be used for renovation planning in old residential areas in China. Implementing spongy facilities with a LID strategy for stormwater management can significantly enhance urban water resilience and improve ecosystem services.

Original languageEnglish
Article number4
JournalWater (Switzerland)
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2021


  • Ecosystem services
  • Low Impact Development (LID)
  • Residential community
  • Sponge City
  • Stormwater management model (SWMM)

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