Age of Information Optimized MAC in V2X Sidelink via Piggyback-Based Collaboration

Fei Peng, Zhiyuan Jiang*, Shunqing Zhang, Shugong Xu

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22 Citations (Scopus)


Real-time status update in future vehicular networks is vital to enable control-level cooperative autonomous driving. Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything (C-V2X), as one of the most promising vehicular wireless technologies, adopts a Semi-Persistent Scheduling (SPS) based Medium-Access-Control (MAC) layer protocol for its sidelink communications. Despite the recent and ongoing efforts to optimize SPS, very few work has considered the status update performance of SPS. In this paper, Age of Information (AoI) is first leveraged to evaluate the MAC layer performance of C-V2X sidelink. Critical issues of SPS, i.e., persistent packet collisions and Half-Duplex (HD) effects, are identified to hinder its AoI performance. Therefore, a piggyback-based collaboration method is proposed accordingly, whereby vehicles collaborate to inform each other of potential collisions and collectively afford HD errors, while entailing only a small signaling overhead. Closed-form AoI performance is derived for the proposed scheme, optimal configurations for key parameters are hence calculated, and the convergence property is proved for decentralized implementation. Simulation results show that compared with the standardized SPS and its state-of-the-art enhancement schemes, the proposed scheme shows significantly better performance, not only in terms of AoI, but also of conventional metrics such as transmission reliability.

Original languageEnglish
Article number9214855
Pages (from-to)607-622
Number of pages16
JournalIEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2021
Externally publishedYes


  • age of information
  • Cellular V2X
  • medium access control
  • semi-persistent scheduling
  • status update


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