城市更新语境下景观生态引导的老旧小区改造设计: 以苏州松陵街道为例

Translated title of the contribution: Design Research on the Landscape-Led Renovation of Old Residential Communities in the Context of Urban Regeneration: A Case Study of Songling Neighborhood in Suzhou

Bing Chen, Wenquan Gan, Siyu Chen, Xiyan Sheng, Linlin Lu*

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旨在探索由景观生态引导城市设计介入“存量更新”时期城市更新的理念与方法。通过系统回顾国内外城市更新的发展趋势和相关语境下城市设计在目标与理念等方面的演化,指出当前我国相关实践主要集中在宏观层面上的生态修复和城市修补,而在中、微观尺度上的相关研究和实践探索不足。通过归纳总结城市更新语境下景观生态引导的城市设计理论框架,提出了“景观生态引导的5-10-15 分钟生活圈”模型,以苏州吴江松陵街道老旧小区改造为例,展示了模型的应用路径。

This paper aims to explore the landscape-led urban design concepts and approaches that can support urban regeneration. Based on a systematic review of the development trend and evolutionary concepts and objectives in urban regeneration and the relevant urban design practice in China and abroad, it contends that the current Chinese practices mainly focus on "ecological restoration, urban renovation" at the macro level, lacking research and practices at the medium and micro level. This paper summarizes a theoretical framework of landscapeled
urban design in the context of urban regeneration, and introduces a model of landscape-led 5/10/15-min life circle. On this basis, it uses the renovation of the Songling neighborhood in Wujiang, Suzhou, as an example to demonstrate the way how the model is applied.
Translated title of the contributionDesign Research on the Landscape-Led Renovation of Old Residential Communities in the Context of Urban Regeneration: A Case Study of Songling Neighborhood in Suzhou
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)106-112
Number of pages7
Issue number673
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2025


  • landscape ecology
  • micro urban renewal
  • urban design
  • life circle
  • renovation of old residential communities


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