Design an Affordable Body-Powered Prosthetic Hook for Developing Countries

Project: Internal Research Project

Project Details

Fund Amount (RMB)



The proposed study aims to design an affordable body-powered prosthetic hook that will be used for upper limb amputees. Limb amputees use body-powered prosthetic hooks as terminal devices. This prosthetic hook addresses existing devices' limitations by providing a cost-effective, lightweight, durable, and highly functional alternative. The study will focus on meeting the unique requirements of users in resource-constrained settings. By utilising modern design methods and materials, the project aims to improve the usability and durability of the prosthetic, making it a practical choice for widespread use. Additionally, the research will examine the economic implications and market viability of such devices to deliver a scalable solution that can significantly enhance the quality of life for amputees in these regions.
Project CategoryRDF-24-01-072
Effective start/end date1/01/2531/12/27


  • Prosthetic Hook
  • Body-Powered
  • 3D Printing