DES Teaching Innovation Fund: Robotics Wearable Products

  • Appleby, Richard (PI)

Project: Collaborative Research Project

Project Details

Project Title (In Chinese)


Fund Amount (RMB)



This project will be introduced as a 'Live Industry Research Project', within the context of IND406 - Masters Module entitled 'Body Space and Machine'. The teaching introduces the skills and project challenges through digital interaction design processes for products and spaces, eploring
different levels of awareness and 'coupling' between human action and the immediate spatial context. Certain specialist design skills are delivered through talks and practical sessions in the making workshop, or computer studios for coding work and actuator systems prototype constructions. This project will also undertake critical evaluation and revised development prototypes to improve the functional quality of innovative design constructions that are suitable for realistic test evaluation within a professional test facility. This includes the use and development of wearable products interacting within digital spatial environments, that support AI and advanced generative design processes. This also adopts recent technology systems that
respond to trends for new consumer services for future living spaces, connecting HCI systems directly with human actuators and receptors. This collaborative project is supported by
the Y-Robot company, who will provide significant background knowledge, test
equipments and prototyping construction support to enable the realistic development
and implementation of specific interactive wearables products. The YRobot company is
located in SIP Suzhou with Research and Development Offices close the XJTLU
campus. Project Innovations have been developed through prototype stage with
specialist carbon fibre frameworks and other hybrid mechanisms and materials. YRobot
also retains a highly sophisticated Human Testing Labs with significant intelligent apparatus for user testing. The teaching process will focus on three specific categories and applications that offer
future potential and innovative wearables products:
1. Design development of Exoskeletal Wearable Products and Service applications for hospitals and general health-care markets.
2. Interactive Fashion Wearables with Robotic functions
3. Sports training applications for Intelligent Exoskeletal systems
Effective start/end date1/03/2430/12/24

Collaborative partners


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