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Qiuchen Qian


Personal profile

Personal profile

XJTLU International Innovation Hub is committed to becoming an innovation ecosystem that provides innovative consulting services, concept verification platforms, entrepreneurial incubation guidance, and the introduction of entrepreneurial venture capital. It builds a seamless cooperation network among government, enterprises, industry, academia, and research to open up new discoveries. , the whole process of transforming new technologies into new products and services and further transforming them into commercial products, efficiently transforming the innovative resources and activities of Suzhou and even the entire southern Jiangsu region into economic and social development results through a new model.


Director, International Innovation Hub,XJTLU 2018.5-Present

Team Leader,Student Adimssion and Career Development Office,XJTLU 2010.9-2018.5

Senior Officer, Suzhou Industrial Park Human Resource Centre(O-HR) 2006.6-2010.9

Education/Academic qualification

Master,Shaanxi Normal University

Person Types

  • Staff