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Personal profile
Personal profile
I am a historian of modern China and I study urban history, cultural history, environmental history and the history of science and technology. I am also a passionate teacher. Before joining XJTLU, I have taught at University of Minnesota, University of St. Thomas, and Renmin University of China. Currently, I’m working on a project NEW ZOOLOGICAL KNOWLEDGE AND THE CHANGING SOCIAL THOUGHTS IN MODERN CHINA. It examines how the borrowing and exchange of knowledge about animals between China and the West shaped the mode of human-nature interactions. This project illuminates a long-neglected aspect of the cognitive foundation for social change in modern China and renews our understanding of the ways in which Sino-foreign communication of ideas and knowledge reshaped modern China.So far, I have published two articles related to this project. These two articles together help clarify the role that the Christian missionaries took in introducing modern zoology into China. In the nineteenth century, the missionaries acted as the most important channel for the dissemination of Western sciences in China, and their publications in Chinese had followed the newest trends in western zoology up to 1859. After 1859, however, they avoided translating content that might violate the Church’s position and thus delayed the introduction of evolutionary theory and the post-Darwinian zoology and taxonomy into China.
Research interests
Modern China (Late Qing and Republican period)
Urban history
Environmental history
Cultural history
History of science and technology
Assistant Professor, Department of China Studies, XJTLU, 2023 to present
Post-doc Researcher, Institute of Qing History School of History, Renmin University of China, 2020 to 2023
Adjunct Instructor, Department of History, University of Saint Thomas, 2016
CCS103 China's History
CCS312 Cities in Chinese History
Education/Academic qualification
BA, Renmin University of China, 2009
MA, Renmin University of China, 2011
PhD, University of Minnesota, 2020
Person Types
- Staff
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Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
- 1 Active
New Zoological Knowledge, Power, and Social Change: Reconceptualizing Animals in Late Qing and Republican China
1/01/24 → 31/12/26
Project: Internal Research Project
Chinse Historiography of the Last Forty Years (1978-2018)
Li, K., Wang, Y. & Zhang, H., 2023Research output: Practice-based research output › Textual work
Li, K., 2023, In: 近代史研究. 1Translated title of the contribution :Christian Missionaries’ Selective Introduction of Scientific Knowledge in Late Qing China as Seen in Universal Geography (Dili quanzhi) Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Li, K., 2023, In: 清史研究. 2, p. 108-120Translated title of the contribution :Christian Missionaries and the Dissemination of Western Taxonomy of Animals in Pre-Twentieth-Century China Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Li, K., 2022, In: 中华文史论丛. 4Translated title of the contribution :‘Commencing at the Wrong End’: Technology, Environment, and the Haihe Conservancy Project Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Li, K., 2022, In: 史林. p. 102-114Translated title of the contribution :Power Competition and Technology Adoption: Planning and Implementation of the Tramway System in Late Qing Tianjin Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
The Transmission and Adjustment of the Terminology of Animal Taxonomy in Modern China
Kan Li (Speaker)
20 Sept 2024 → 22 Sept 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentation at conference/workshop/seminar
Re-routing the Hai River: Technology, Politics, and Water Environment in Tianjin, 1853-1937
Kan Li (Speaker)
15 May 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
New Zoological Knowledge, Power, and Social Change
Kan Li (Speaker)
18 Mar 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Localizing Global Culture in China and Beyond Workshop
Kan Li (Organiser) & Jing Zhu (Organiser)
2024 → …Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Organising an event e.g. a conference, workshop, …
Dissemination of Western knowledge on Animal Taxonomy in the latter half of the nineteenth century in China (十九世纪下半叶西方动物分类知识在华传播)
Kan Li (Speaker)
25 Dec 2023 → 28 Dec 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentation at conference/workshop/seminar