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Fangting Zheng

Assistant Professor

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Personal profile

Personal profile

Dr. Fangting Zheng is an assistant professor in the Department of Mathematical Science, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University.

Research interests

Low-dimensional Topology, Hyperbolic Geometry, Coxeter Group, Algebraic number theory


Lecturer, Xian Jiaotong-Liverpool University 2018-2019

Assistant Professor, Xian Jiaotong-Liverpool University 2019 to present


2021, SURF (summer undergraduate research fund). Project: the automated english essay scoring algorithm.

2022, SURF. Project: paper category prediction with robust fusion-enhanced graph neutural network.

2023, SURF. XJTLU Chat Assistant: an XJTLU knowledge-oriented, ChatGLM-based chat application via Langchain.

2021.9-2023.9, NLP (natural language processing) study group, co-organizer.

2022.9-2023.6, TDA (topological data analysis) student research group, co-supervisor.

MTH301 Final Year Project (hyperbolic geometry / Lie group and Lie algebra / Topological data analysis )

MTH122 Introduction to Abstract Algebra

MTH118 Analysis II

MTH125 Real Analysis for Financial Mathematics

MTH014 Calculus for Architecture students

MTH008 Multivariable Calculus

MTH007 Linear Algebra

MTH017 Linear Algebra for Mathematical Sciences

MTH013 Calculus

MTH019 Calculus for Business

MTH025 Pre-calculus

Awards and honours

2022 Key Talents of Science Education, SIP.

2019 Jiangsu Province Innovation Entrepreneurship Doctor Talent Program.

2019 Shenzhen open data innovative contest (SODIC), the third prize.

Education/Academic qualification

B.Sc, South China Normal University, 2009-2013 (Thesis: M-fibrewise homotopy extension property and its applications, supervised by Prof. Hao Zhao)

Ph.D, Fudan University, 2013-2018 ( Thesis: Toric topology and hyperbolic geometry, supervised by Prof. Zhi Lv and Prof. Jiming Ma)

Person Types

  • Staff


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