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Personal profile

Personal profile

Chunhou Chang currently holds the position of Assistant Professor at the Department of Strategic Management and Organisations in the IBSS at XJTLU since 2021. In 2019, she completed her doctoral training at the University of Cambridge (UK) and obtained a PhD degree in Education. Her expertise lies in psychology and education. Currently, her research interest is in conducting interdisciplinary research in the field of applied psychology, especially for topics that concern psychological well-being and mental health issues among employees. Her pedagogic philosophy is to foster an inclusive, dialogical and empathetic learning environment.Google Scholar Profile:

Research interests

Mental health literacy in workplace

Multicultural studies

Employee well-being


Assistant Professor--XJTLU - 02/2021 till Present


BUS303 Final Year Project

BUS457 International Business and Global Affairs MA Dissertation

SMO405 Management Dissertation

SMO103 Introduction to Organisation and Management

INS414 Research Methods for International Business

Awards and honours

2015 Godwin–Raffan Prize, Hughes Hall, University of Cambridge

2017 Dissertation Fellowships, Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange

Education/Academic qualification

MPhil in Education, University of Cambridge --2014

PhD in Education, University of Cambridge --2019

Person Types

  • Staff


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