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Personal profile

Personal profile

Ana Horvat is Assistant Professor in the Department of Literature at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University. She has published articles in a/b: Auto/Biography Studies Journal and Gender Forum. Her research interests include postcolonial theory, Canadian literature, indigenous literature, life writing, performance studies, and gender studies.

Research interests

Transnational literature

American literature

Auto/biography and digital life writing

Performance studies

Postcolonial literature

Canadian literature

Gender studies


LIT203 Gender and Literature

LIT202 Postcolonial Literature

Awards and honours

University of Alberta Graduate Research Assistant Fellowship, 2018

University of Alberta Recruitment Scholarship, 2014-2018

University of Waterloo Recruitment Scholarship, 2012

Education/Academic qualification

Ph.D. English Literature, University of Alberta, 2019

M.A. English Literature, University of Waterloo, 2013

M.A. American Studies, University of Zagreb, 2012

B.A. English and Spanish Philology, University of Zagreb, 2010

Person Types

  • Staff


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