Personal profile
Personal profile
I got my PhD degree from the School of Electronics and Engineering, Xi'dian University, on June 2012.
Research interests
My research interests are the Deep Neural Network (DNN) theory and signal processing theory and their applications on radar, sonar, and communications, and applying these theories in other applications such as anomaly detection in different events.
From March 2008 to June 2012, I worked on array signal processing as my PhD thesis topic, aiming to develop robust direction of arrival (DOA) estimation methods in the presence of array imperfections such as array gain-phase errors and position errors. I creatively proposed several new methods and was awarded an excellent postdoctoral thesis. After PhD graduation, from Feb. 2013 to Jun. 2017, I worked as a Research Fellow in the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University. I was engaged in two projects relevant to two-dimensional target detection by radar and radar co-existence with digital terrestrial. From Aug. 2017 to Dec. 2021, I worked as an associate professor in the College of Underwater Acoustic Engineering, Harbin Engineering University. My research focus was developing robust and accurate target detection methods for underwater vector sensor arrays. From Jan. 2021 to the present, after I joined the School of Software at Northwestern Polytechnical University, I have expanded my research from traditional signal processing theory to deep neural networks (DNN). I have proposed several DNN models by integrating the knowledge of array signal processing into the DNN models. Furthermore, I and my graduate students established two testbeds for radar detection and verifications of array signal processing algorithms. I was Principle Investigator for several projects, including 1 project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 1 project of the Natural Science Basic Research Program of Shaanxi Province, 1 project of Basic Research Program of Taicang City, and 1 project of Aeronautical Science Foundation of China.
I am currently a co-teacher for the Python course at AIAC, XJTLU.
As an associate professor at Northwestern Polytechnical University, I established a mandatory course (named Signal and System) for undergraduate students and taught this course for two classes, each class has about 150 students. Signal and System is a basic course, which prepares students with the basic knowledge for designing signal processing algorithms. It mainly includes the operations of signal and system, convolution, Fourier Transformation, and Laplace Transformation.
During my work at Harbin Engineering University, I established and taught a selective course (named Stochastic Processes) for international graduate students. Stochastic Processes mainly includes stationary processes, Gaussian random processes, Markov processes, Poisson processes, and decisions and hypothesis testing.
During my work in universities, besides teaching courses, I have supervised several graduate students and undergraduate students. One of the undergraduate students was awarded an excellent bachelor's thesis. With solid research experiences, the graduate students under my supervision have found good jobs in institutions and industries.
Person Types
- Staff