Toponymy and Language Shift: Aspects of Language Change in South-East Asia (Research Grant)

Activity: Other


CAVALLARO, Francesco Paolo (Principal Investigator - PI), and František KRATOCHVÍL (Co-Principal Investigator - Co-PI), Francesco PERONO CACCIAFOCO (Co-Principal Investigator - Co-PI), Astrid KENSINGER (Co-Principal Investigator - Co-PI), Singapore Ministry of Education (MOE) AcRF Tier 1 Research Grant (Grant Number RG56/14), "Toponymy and Language Shift: Aspects of Language Change In South-East Asia", 2014-2017

The Project aimed at applying criteria from Indo-European Linguistics to undocumented Papuan linguistic contexts from the Alor-Pantar Archipelago, in Southeast Indonesia, trying to reconctruct local toponymy, oral traditions, grammatical change, sound changes, and etymologies.

The Project reconstructed sistematically the Abui Toponymy from Alor Island; a connection between naming processes and grammatical change phenomena in Abui was documented and validated.
Period6 Jan 201431 Dec 2017
Held atNanyang Technological University, Singapore
Degree of RecognitionInternational


  • Language Documentation
  • Field Linguistics
  • Cultural Anthropology
  • Etymology
  • Historical Linguistics