Fostering Academic Fluency and Reflective Skills: Adapting Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Practices into English Language Classrooms

Activity: Talk or presentationPresentation at conference/workshop/seminar


This symposium presentation aims to present some good examples of the integration of
psychological counselling strategies, particularly Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), to
enhance language proficiency and build up reflective skills. The session will introduce three
successful in-class activities rooted in CBT principles. These activities aim to cultivate a
supportive and contemplative learning environment, navigating students through their first
year in XJTLU language learning. The examples will particularly concentrate on listening,
writing, and speaking skills, providing some insights into adapting psychological counselling
methods into a language classroom.
Period20 Feb 2024
Held atXi'an Jiaotong‐Liverpool University
Degree of RecognitionLocal