Awards: 1) Appreciation Award, PEN COVID-19 Humanitarian Fund, Lahore, Pakistan, 2020Award Shield, 1st International Multidisciplinary Graduate Conference 2019, PAF Noor Khan, Rawalpindi, April 2019; 2) Letter of Appreciation, Embassy of Afghanistan, Tokyo, Jul 2017 Certificate of Appreciation, IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation, Japan, May 2016; 3) IEEE Best Paper Award, IEEE ICASI June 2016, Okinawa Japan 7 IEEE First Prize Paper Awards, IEEE ICASI June 2016, Okinawa Japan; 4) Two Gold Medals, International Conference on e-Education, e-Management and e-Learning, (Paper IDs: IRES- IC4EJAPAN-18026-1933/ IRES-IC4E, JAPAN-18026-1929), Japan, Feb 2016; 5) The IERS Annual Award Shield, Institute of Research Engineers & Scientists, Japan, Feb 2016; 6) Two Best Paper Awards, International Conference on e-Education, e-Management and e-Learning, (Paper IDs: IRES-IC4EJAPAN-18026-1933/ IRES-IC4E, JAPAN-18026-1929), Japan, Feb 2016

Activity: Other
