
The ATLAS Inner Detector is a composite tracking system consisting of silicon pixels, silicon strips and straw tubes in a 2 T magnetic field. Its installation was completed in August 2008 and the detector took part in data-taking with single LHC beams and cosmic rays. The initial detector operation, hardware commissioning and in-situ calibrations are described. Tracking performance has been measured with 7. 6 million cosmic-ray events, collected using a tracking trigger and reconstructed with modular pattern-recognition and fitting software. The intrinsic hit efficiency and tracking trigger efficiencies are close to 100%. Lorentz angle measurements for both electrons and holes, specific energy-loss calibration and transition radiation turn-on measurements have been performed. Different alignment techniques have been used to reconstruct the detector geometry. After the initial alignment, a transverse impact parameter resolution of 22. 1±0. 9 μm and a relative momentum resolution σp/p=(4. 83±0. 16)×10-4 GeV-1×pT have been measured for high momentum tracks.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)787-821
Number of pages35
JournalEuropean Physical Journal C
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2010
Externally publishedYes


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