Policy-driven tailoring of sensor networks

Nelson Matthys*, Christophe Huygens, Danny Hughes, Jó Ueyama, Sam Michiels, Wouter Joosen

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in Book or Report/Conference proceedingConference Proceedingpeer-review

8 Citations (Scopus)


The emerging reality of wireless sensor networks deployed as long-lived infrastructure mandates an approach to tailor developed artefacts at run-time to avoid costly reprogramming. Support for dynamic concerns, such as adaptation, calibration or tuning of the functional and non-functional behaviour by application users and infrastructure managers raises the need for fine-grained run-time customization. This paper presents a policy-based paradigm to realize the diverse concerns of the involved actors by enabling fine-tuning and optimization of the run-time environment. Integration of the policy paradigm into various main programming models is analyzed. A prototype implementation of the paradigm in the context of an event-component based wireless sensor network platform is evaluated on the SunSPOT sensor platform.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationSensor Systems and Software
Subtitle of host publicationSecond International ICST Conference, S-Cube 2010, Miami, FL, USA, December 13-15, 2010, Revised Selected Papers
Number of pages16
Publication statusPublished - 2011

Publication series

NameLecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering
ISSN (Print)1867-8211


  • Component models
  • Multi-paradigm Programming
  • Policy
  • Reconfiguration


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