Performace of wind turbine based on wind speed data and turbine tower height in Kangar, Northern Malaysia

I. Daut*, M. Irwanto, Y. M. Irwan, N. Gomesh, N. S. Ahmad

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This paper presents an analysis of the wind speed characteristic in Kangar, Northern Malaysia. The Weibull distribution function is applied to analyze the wind speed characteristic and used to calculate the wind power generation potential. The wind power and energy as function of tower height are presented and analyzed in this paper. The result shows that during fifteen days (1st March to 15th march 2011), the average hourly wind speed is 2.252126 m/s, based on the analysis of the Weibull distribution function, the wind speed of 2.03 m/s has the highest probability density, exactly is 37.99%, it is an important information to choose a suitable wind turbine for a wind power generation. According to the wind turbine applied in this research, when the wind speed is below 2 m/s or above 16 m/s, the output power is zero and the rotor can not be loaded. At its nominal speed of 8 m/s, the power output is at the rated value of 500 W. During the observation condition, on the 11 March 2010, the average wind turbine voltage is 7.1 V during the day time and 1.3 V during the night time. On the 12 March to 15th March 2010, the wind speed gives a big energy potential to generate the wind turbine, therefore the average wind turbine voltage 31 V during the day time and 20.3 V during the night time.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1148-1154
Number of pages7
JournalAustralian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2011
Externally publishedYes


  • Weibull distribution function
  • Wind power generation
  • Wind speed


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