More haste, less speed: leader bottom-line mentality and employee counter-productive social cyberloafing

Yue Zhou, Peiyi Chen, Qingqing Liu, Tingxi Wang*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


The purpose of the study is to explore the relationship between leader bottom-line mentality (BLM) and employee social cyberloafing behavior. Based on social exchange theory, the authors propose that leader BLM will promote employee social cyberloafing behavior via psychological contract breach, especially when employee needs for relatedness is high.

To test the hypotheses, the authors conducted a multi-wave, multi-source field study with 185 paired employee–leader dyads at three time points. The hypotheses were tested by Mplus with a bootstrap approach to obtain confidence intervals.

The results show that leader BLM has a positive impact on employee social cyberloafing behavior, which is mediated by psychological contract breach. In addition, employee needs for relatedness moderates this process. Specifically, when employees pertain high needs for relatedness, the influence of leader BLM will be stronger.

Practical implications
This research paper highlights the detrimental influence of leader BLM and provide directions for preventing employee cyberloafing behavior.

Previous studies have drawn inconsistent conclusions on the effectiveness of leader BLM, such as enhancing task performance and eliciting social undermining. This study further explores the underlying mechanism linking leader BLM to employee social cyberloafing behavior and the boundary conditions. This has subsequently provided practitioners with new perspectives regarding why employees engage in counter-productive social cyberloafing.
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Managerial Psychology
Publication statusPublished - 27 Nov 2023


  • Leader bottom-line mentality, Psychological contract breach, Social cyberloafing, Needs for relatedness, Social exchange theory


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