Investigating the Acceptance and Use of LMC Quiz among Chinese Language Teachers using the Technology Acceptance Model(TAM) 基于TAM 模型的中文教师LMC插件Quiz 接受度与实际使用研究

Research output: Chapter in Book or Report/Conference proceedingConference Proceedingpeer-review


he Chinese language teaching(CLT) of XJTLU has been delivering courses online since the outbreak of COVID-19 till now. The teachers use various LMC online teaching and learning tools to deliver synchronous teaching: assign and submit homework, give feedback, conduct assessments, etc. Of all nearly 50 LMC online plugins, Quiz has been turned out to be the top-ranking interactive plugin adopted by CLT teachers as their teaching tool. This project is aimed to explore the CLT lecturers’ acceptance and use of quiz and to further improve the distant teaching and learning experience in applying online tools for international Chinese language education under TAM (Technology Acceptance Theory).
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2022 Annual International Conference of the British Chinese Language Teaching Society (BCLTS)
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2023


  • International Chinese language teaching, Technology Acceptance Model(TAM); On-line Quiz;


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