High Frequency Trading: A Seek to Deemphasize Speed as A Key to Trading Success

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


In this article, the authors established the welfare effect to trading success
through deemphasizing „need-for-speed‟ in computerized high frequency trading
without affecting the basic nature of speed race. They reviewed the major drivers
of unintended consequences with the brave new world. Their hope was for the
special issue of discrete time frequent batch auction hybrid with regulatory
principles of “financial regulation 2.0” to clearly reduce some of the nondisputed harms produced by high frequency trading dynamics; that is, arms race
behavior and complex adaptive system of computer algorithms.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 11 Aug 2015


  • HFT
  • speed trading
  • deemphasize speed
  • batch auction


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