Food Safety 4.0

Hana Trollman, Farah Bader, Yang Luo, Guillermo Garcia-Garcia, Sandeep Jagtap, Carlos Parra-López, James Colwill, Frank Trollman

Research output: Chapter in Book or Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


Food Safety 4.0 is a term derived from Industry 4.0 that focuses on all aspects of food safety management based on cyber-physical systems. The premise of Food Safety 4.0 is that real-time information and the interconnectivity of things, complemented by novel technologies, will revolutionize the way food safety is managed. There is enormous potential in terms of advancing product traceability, detection of harmful microbes and contaminants, supply chain security, predictive capabilities, and consistency in delivering safe food to consumers. This chapter discusses the key technologies within Food Safety 4.0 and suggests strategies and applications for their optimal management as informed by emerging trends. The focus is primarily on addressing food safety concerns related to food manufacturers and their supply chains. Food-grade robotics, the Internet of Things, blockchain, and artificial intelligence are some of the technologies discussed alongside their benefits to sustainable and safe food production and consumption.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationFood Industry 4.0
Subtitle of host publicationEmerging Trends and Technologies in Sustainable Food Production and Consumption
EditorsAbdo Hassoun
Number of pages21
ISBN (Electronic)9780443155161
ISBN (Print)9780443155178
Publication statusPublished - 2024


  • artificial intelligence
  • blockchain
  • contaminants
  • Food Safety 4.0
  • Internet of Things
  • product traceability
  • sustainable consumption
  • sustainable production


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