De Rotterdam

Rem Koolhaas (Designer), Reinier de Graaf (Designer), Ellen van Loon (Designer), Kees van Casteren (Designer), Michel van de Kar (Designer), Christoph Michael (Designer), Katrien van Dijk (Designer), Jue Qiu (Designer), Tomas Dirrix (Designer), Thomas Shadbolt (Designer), Marlies Boterman (Designer), Clive Hennessey (Designer), Marina Cogliani (Designer), Yasuhito Hirose (Designer), Sai Shu (Designer), Saskia Simon (Designer), Pal Trodahl (Designer), Nathalie Gozdziak (Designer), Erik de Haan (Designer), Arminas Sadzevicius (Designer)

Research output: Practice-based research outputDesign, Architecture, Interiors


De Rotterdam is conceived as a vertical city: three interconnected mixed-use towers accommodating offices, apartments, a hotel, conference facilities, shops, restaurants, and cafes. The three towers reach 150m high, with a gross floor area of approximately 162,000m2, making De Rotterdam the largest building in the Netherlands.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2011
Externally publishedYes


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