An online emission module for atmospheric chemistry transport models: Implementation in COSMO-GHG v5.6a and COSMO-ART v5.1-3.1

Michael Jähn*, Gerrit Kuhlmann, Qing Mu, Jean Matthieu Haussaire, David Ochsner, Katherine Osterried, Valentin Clément, Dominik Brunner

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16 Citations (Scopus)


Emission inventories serve as crucial input for atmospheric chemistry transport models. To make them usable for a model simulation, they have to be pre-processed and, traditionally, provided as input files at discrete model time steps. In this paper, we present an "online" approach, which produces a minimal number of input data read-in at the beginning of a simulation and which handles essential processing steps online during the simulation. For this purpose, a stand-alone Python package "emiproc" was developed, which projects the inventory data to the model grid and generates temporal and vertical scaling profiles for individual emission categories. The package is also able to produce "offline" emission files if desired. Furthermore, we outline the concept of the online emission module (written in Fortran 90) and demonstrate its implementation in two different atmospheric transport models: COSMO-GHG and COSMOART. Simulation results from both modeling systems show the equivalence of the online and offline procedure. While the model run time is very similar for both approaches, input size and pre-processing time are greatly reduced when online emissions are utilized.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2379-2392
Number of pages14
JournalGeoscientific Model Development
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 26 May 2020
Externally publishedYes


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