An Improved Schematic Human Eye Model for Human Vision Simulation

Wei Wang, Yong Yue

Research output: Chapter in Book or Report/Conference proceedingConference Proceedingpeer-review


The human eye is a complex and precise optical imaging system. The refractive surgeries, e.g. LASIK, aim to correct the refractive error of the human eye. An important precondition of refractive surgeries is to model the human eye. The human eye model is used to simulate the human vision to guide and evaluate refractive surgeries. Especially, the defocus blur that is caused by the refractive error is considered in the human vision simulation. However, the asymmetry and irregularity of eyeball shape and optical media make it impossible to model the human eye accurately. This inaccuracy in the modelling of the human eye makes it is difficult to perform the surgeries accurately with several surgical complications, e.g. the halo and vision acuity in dark environments. In addition, the current studies of human eye modelling are for the human eye with normal vision. The main reason is the complex causes of pathological vision in pathological human eye modelling, e.g. the abnormal length of the optical axis and the abnormal dioptre of the cornea in myopia and hyperopia. This study proposes an improved schematic human eye model to achieve human eye modelling and simulation. The different length of the optical axis and the change of corneal thickness are considered in this human eye model. The main contributions of this study are to achieve the personalised modelling of the human eye with pathological vision and provide the visual quality evaluation of refractive surgeries.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings - 2020 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computer Technology, Information Science and Communications, CTISC 2020
PublisherInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Number of pages7
ISBN (Electronic)9781728165011
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2020
Event2nd International Conference on Advances in Computer Technology, Information Science and Communications, CTISC 2020 - Suzhou, China
Duration: 10 Jul 202012 Jul 2020

Publication series

NameProceedings - 2020 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computer Technology, Information Science and Communications, CTISC 2020


Conference2nd International Conference on Advances in Computer Technology, Information Science and Communications, CTISC 2020


  • Human vision simulation
  • Refractive surgeries simulation
  • Schematic human eye modelling

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