A Proof of Concept Study on Utilising a Non-invasive Microwave Analysis Technique to Characterise Silver Based Materials in Aqueous Solution

Muhammad Ateeq*, Andy Shaw, Rob Garrett, Paul Dickson

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

7 Citations (Scopus)


This paper reports on the feasibility of using a novel and robust microwave sensing technique to analyse and detect silver materials in an aqueous solution. Two products are tested, namely: silver chloride and silver oxide. The study mainly focused on indicating the difference between them and also any change in the size/size distribution of the sample. A microwave sensor designed previously is utilised to identify the potential of the technique to carry out the analysis. The results are presented as microwave spectrums that are the material response to microwaves. The results have shown that the technique has reasonably indicated the change in material type as well as size distribution. The results also show that these curves are distinguishable and can be related to the material and the change in its size. It is concluded that there is a potential of extending this technique to determine various other properties of silver products. The study suggests a design and development of a bespoke unit as a dedicated analysis tool and to address any anomalies arising from the current feasibility. This will have a huge industrial benefit in terms of cost reduction and time associated with the industrial analysis of silver material.

Original languageEnglish
Article number13
JournalSensing and Imaging
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2017
Externally publishedYes


  • Cavity resonator
  • Industrial analysis
  • Microwave sensing
  • Non-destructive analysis
  • Novel microwave analysis
  • Silver products
  • Silver products characterisation


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