디지털 시대의 방송뉴스 생산 관행의 변화와 시청자의 뉴스 생산과정 참여: YTN뉴스 사회부를 중심으로

Translated title of the contribution: The Increased Importance of the Audience Participation in Television News Production and its Influences on Journalists’ Daily Practices in the Age of Digital Technologies.

Chul Heo*, Kwan-Woo Park, Sung-Tae Kim

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


What is at stake in television news production in the digital age? This study provides a detailed study on the transformation of television news production in a changing media environment. Television networks struggle to compete against the flashing speed of the Internet news in delivering‘ fast news’. Networks’news bureaus have been redefined to reflect changes of production modes and budgets. The traditional oneway flow in delivering television news has become more interactive. Now the news audience is everywhere equipped with digital camcoders, cell phones, YouTube, cable news, internet news, video blogs, and Facebook. Facing new technologies and competitions, news corporations have rewritten not only the definition of the news audience but also their public-interest obligations in the digital era. Rather than simply describing the changes of news production in terms of technology and production culture, this paper examines the fundamental transformation of television news production: ‘the reimagined audience’and ‘changes of the network-news paradigm towards the idea of public-interest’. By doing a case study on YTN News-24 hour news channel in Korea, we attempt to answer implications embedded in the changes of news practices.
Translated title of the contributionThe Increased Importance of the Audience Participation in Television News Production and its Influences on Journalists’ Daily Practices in the Age of Digital Technologies.
Original languageKorean
Pages (from-to)39
Number of pages76
JournalStudies of Broadcasting Culture
Publication statusPublished - 2009
Externally publishedYes

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