ChinaVis 2022

Activity: Participating in or organising an eventParticipating in an event e.g. a conference, workshop, …


The China Visualization and Visual Analytics Conference (ChinaVis) is co-launched by scholars and researchers in the visualization field in China. ChinaVis aims to improve the communication of the Visualization and Visual Analytics communities in China and surrounding regions, discuss the direction and opportunity of Visualization and Visual Analytics in the era of big data, promote the development and progress of related research and applications, facilitate the talents training and communication, promote the development of disciplines, and deepen the integration of art and technology. ChinaVis builds a communication platform for famous experts, entrepreneurs, and application departments at home and abroad to satisfy the need of face to face and further discuss frontier technologies and applications of visualization, so that a new ecosystem including producing, learning, researching, and applying can be formed.
Period22 Jul 202225 Jul 2022
Event typeConference
LocationXining, ChinaShow on map