研究型英语教师发展叙事探究 A Narrative Inquiry into the Development Process of an English Teacher Researcher

Haibo Gu*, Xin Han, Qian Wang, linfeng Liu

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摘要】 培养高素质教师是我国教育发展的基础,而培养普通教师成为研究型教师是高素质英语教师发展的重要途径。本研究采用叙事探究方法,对一位研究型高中英语教师的成长经历进行研究,发现该研究型教师的发展历程是基于问题情境的反思性实践过程,由个人主动发展意识驱动,由重要他人和学术期刊等文化工具促成,在行动研究和学术写作等实践活动中实现。本研究揭示了中学研究型英语教师的发展过程与路径,并对教师发展成因关联模型进行了本土化修正。本研究对职前英语教师教育和在职英语教师发展具有借鉴价值。

【Abstract】 Cultivating high-quality teachers is the basis for developing Chinese education and prompting common teachers who only focus on teaching and neglect doing researches to become teacher researchers is crucially important in cultivating such teachers. Adopting narrative inquiry, this study explores the professional development of a teacher researcher in a senior high school and concludes that driven by personal development awareness and facilitated by cultural tools such as significant others and academic journals, the development process of this teacher is a reflective and practical one based on the problem situation and realized in practical activities such as action research and academic writing. The study analyzes the growth process of the teacher researcher and theoretically localizes the teacher’s professional development model. Based on the above, the study provides some practical implications for the pre-service English teacher education and in-service English teacher development.
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Journal 基础外语教育 Basic Foreign Language Education
Publication statusPublished - 2019

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