Many industrial buildings from the last century remained in city centres in post_x005findustrial cities of China and have been transformed into urban public spaces after the turn of the century. The transformation of the interface between industrial buildings and streets has had an essential impact on the publicness of industrial buildings during their renovation. However, a lack of discussion on design strategies of building interfaces still exists. To visualise changes of interfaces in architects’ design strategies have been evaluated in three perspectives: permeability, transparency, and interstitiality. Based on drawings documenting changes of interfaces, the thesis argues that Vector Architects extends the publicness through creating interstitial spaces; Neri&Hu transform interfaces with limited changes on the three perspectives. Kokaistudios looks into improving the three aspects simultaneously. Through interpreting architects’ education and practices with their approaches on transforming publicness of building interfaces, the thesis argues that they create different types of public space. Vector Architects creates public space as a catalyst of autonomous social activities; Neri&Hu creates spaces that are culturally public; Kokaistudios creates spaces open for everyone. The thesis raises the awareness of multiple approaches of interface design in urban regeneration by architects from different countries, and emphasises the importance of interface design on the publicness of space.Period | Jul 2021 |