(paper 66905) Title: Performance Evaluation of Partitioning Strategies for Computation Offloading in Vehicular Edge ComputingConference: VTC2023-Fall: Hong Kong
Track: IoV, IoT, M2M, Sensor Networks, and Ad-Hoc Networking
Internet of Vehicles (IoV); Internet of Things (IoT); Resource management and mobility management; Protocol design and analysis for V2V/V2I/V2X and IoT; Cross-layer protocol design; Data aggregation techniques and architectures for M2M/sensor networks; Data storage and allocation; Delay-tolerant networks; Energy harvesting and management; Energy efficient M2M communications; Energy scavenging technologies; Fault tolerance; Gateways and inter-working; Information processing and aggregation; IoV/IoT applications and services; IoV/IoT networks, architecture, and components; M2M specific extensions on PHY and MAC; IoV/IoT traffic modeling; IoV/IoT communications in 5G and beyond; Middleware and programming; Vehicular/mobile edge/cloud computing; Opportunistic and cooperative networking; Peer-to-peer services in mobile networks; Performance and quality of service; Routing and transport protocol; Self-organization, self-configuration and adaptation; Self-optimization and self-learning and reasoning (higher frequency bands); Self-organized network based on learning; Sensors for vehicular technologies; Simulation and emulation; Terminal intelligence; Topology construction, reconfigurability and control; Blockchains for IoV/IoT.
Period | 3 Aug 2023 → 23 Aug 2023 |
Event type | Conference |