Speculative design—A future creative approach. New Sensory Tools

Activity: SupervisionMaster Dissertation Supervision


Student: Man Wu, XJTLU IND
Supervisor: Mariia Zolotova
Following the widespread popularity of generative Al among the public in 2022, the impact on creators has become a pressing concern. Al creation not only disrupts the existing creative market but also instills anxiety and apprehension about the future among creators. In response to this situation, two distinct perspectives have emerged regarding the future of the creative field. The first perspective is non-anthropocentric, suggesting that as Al intelligence continues to advance, the dominant role of humans in the creative process will gradually diminish, relegating them to the role of guides and supervisors who direct intelligent systems in producing desired works. The second perspective, anthropocentric in nature, asserts that humans remain the central and essential driving force in creation. Despite technological advancements that may offer more creative tools and platforms, the uniqueness and emotional depth of human creators will continue to serve as the wellspring of inspiration and the fundamental basis of creativity.
This project aims to explore a future centered on humanism using the method of speculative design process to envision and develop products and services, that enhance the relationship between different types of creative people (such as musicians, artists, designers, performers, etc.) and the influence of Al. New sensory interaction products will be developed to support this creative process and visual language, where the 'creator person' works in collaboration with Al. This will be realized in two ways, firstly as a conceptual vision through media or film, and secondly as physical objects that contribute to the interactive process.
PeriodJan 2023Jan 2024