Simultaneous Communication and Power Transfer for WBAN/WPAN Applications

Activity: SupervisionPhD Supervision


Power for distributed devices is generally restricted to the device’s energy storage capability, i.e., battery capacity. Small-sized devices inevitably suffer from short battery lifespans and where a device is located in an unreachable position, e.g., a human implant, the ability to wirelessly provide power is highly desirable. Two methods for simultaneous wireless information and power transfer have been proposed in this work,based on novel theoretical ideas and hardware implementations. A symbol splitting system separates the information- and non-information- carrying components of a signal and uses each for data reception and energy harvesting, respectively. The second method makes use of the characteristic of the requisite rectifier in the power conversion from RF to DC. By their nature, rectifiers produce harmonics of the rectified signal. In this work, the third harmonic reflected at the ports connected to the rectifiers is isolated
and can be used for data demodulation.
PeriodSept 2016Apr 2021