Activity: Peer-review and editorial work of publications › Editorial work
Guest Editorship of a journal special issue, 'Lifetimes and Moments: Essays on History and Memory from the 51st Wordsworth Summer Conference', in Romanticism 31:2 (2025). Eight Essays including confirmed contributions: Kelvin Everest, 'Wordsworth and the Immortality Ode: "The Surface of Past Time"'; Bruce Graver, 'Mary Wordsworth, Writer'; Jillian Heydt-Stevenson, '"The Ruins of Palmyra, otherwise, Tedmor, in the Desart": Romantic Reperformances’; Eugene Stelzig, '"Our home is with infinitude, and only there": The Romantic Rhetoric of Infinite Aspiration in a Finite World'; Tara Lee, 'Steam, Speed, Sacrifice: The Poetics of Acceleration in Southey’s "The Curse of Kehama" (1810)'; Tom Duggett, 'Re-enactment and Romanticism: Wordsworth, Southey, and R.G. Collingwood’s "An Autobiography" (1939)'.