Reducing the Usage of Disposable Paper Cup:User-Centric Service Design on Reusable Cup and Rental System for Office Building Gathering Area

  • Richard Appleby (Supervisor)

Activity: SupervisionMaster Dissertation Supervision


From the perspective of sustainable design, this project aims to provide convenient
and accessible reusable on-go cups for office workers and provide them with special
coffee shop discounts and membership rewards. This will reduce the use of
disposable paper cups in the office gathering, minimise the waste of land resources
caused by landfills, and the financial pressure from promoting sustainable
development and resource reuse. In the early stage of this design project,
quantitative and qualitative research methods were used to investigate the white
collars and coffee shop staffs of Suzhou International Science Park (SISPARK). The
results show that office workers have a higher demand for coffee, but they will not
bring cups to coffee shops to buy coffee, even if they offer discounts for customers
who bring their own cups. This phenomenon is mainly due to the limitations of the
office environment, which makes cleaning cups is a hassle. In the design process, the
target user test was performed many times to confirm that the product design
scheme of the cup and the use of the rental service system meets the expectations
of users.
Period1 Jan 202024 Feb 2021
ExamineeChen Zhang
Examination held at
Degree of RecognitionLocal


  • Sustainable design, Reusable on-go cup, Product design, Rental service system