Quantum technologies in Cyber defense

Activity: Talk or presentationInvited talk


The ability to communicate securely and compute efficiently is more important than ever to society. Over the next 5-10 years, we will see a flux of new possibilities, as quantum technologies become part of this mainstream computing and communicating landscape.
All security concepts, such as authentication, encryption but also more involved concepts as computation on encrypted data and secure multiparty computation, would need to be modified to apply to quantum information and quantum computation.
Quantum technologies can offer advantages for cyber security research. To view this positive aspect, we should consider the possibility of including quantum steps in protocols with the aim of achieving certain improvement compared to the corresponding fully classical setting.
This keynote presentation will explore quantum-technology solutions in the 21st century and their role in cyber security.
Period22 Dec 2019
Held at2019 International Conference on Computer Science, Communication and Network Security (CSCNS2019), China