International workshop City Scales: Colombo, Barcelona, Shanghai

  • Remón, J. (Organiser)
  • Jiang, L. (Organiser)
  • Nadeeka Jayaweera (Organiser)
  • Abedin Ismael (Organiser)
  • Sebastian Harris (Organiser)
  • Adria S, Llorens (Organiser)
  • Kavindra Herath (Organiser)

Activity: Participating in or organising an eventOrganising an event e.g. a conference, workshop, …


International workshop City Scales: Colombo, Barcelona, Shanghai

In our interconnected and ever-evolving world, architecture transcends singular perspectives and cultural boundaries. It now embraces diversity, global influences, and adaptability to meet the complex demands of contemporary society. The 'International Architecture Workshop: City Scales' is a pioneering initiative that embodies this shift. It represents a collaborative effort between Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) in China, Universitat La Salle Campus Barcelona in Spain, and the University of Moratuwa in Sri Lanka.
This workshop is a unique platform where academic brilliance from diverse corners of the globe converges. By bringing together students and faculty from these esteemed institutions, the workshop aims to spark a rich exchange of ideas, methodologies, and best practices in architecture. Participants are encouraged to engage in meaningful dialogue, explore cross-cultural influences, and challenge traditional notions of architectural design. Through hands-on projects, research initiatives, and vibrant discussions, this workshop paves the way for interdisciplinary learning and innovation.

Period25 Jun 20248 Jul 2024
Event typeWorkshop
Degree of RecognitionInternational